Anime & Manga

About us

This Society will be a place to express interests in the popular medium which is Anime and Manga. We want to make this a safe place for everyone with common interests. This will be a place for members to share recommendations and different ways they express their passion for this medium.

We will use Discord as the main way of communication to help set up events and activities, we will also set up a teams page for anyone who doesn't like to use discord however most events will be posted on Discord.


Please fill out this Google forms document to be verified for the society and the discord.

Below is the link to the discord server but remember to fill out the above form to gain access to the full server ^-^

If you have any problems please feel free to email and one of us will be able to help ^-^

Committee Members


Vice Chair

Social Secretary


Session Signups

Latest News

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Money Request
