Feedback & Contact Us

Feedback & Contact Us

Got a general question, query or concern? You're in the right place!

We always welcome new ideas, criticism and comment as this helps us to improve our service so please give us your feedback. 


Give us your feedback


Got a general question, query or concern? Email:

Send us your feedback and ideas:

For questions about how the Union represents you:

Course Rep or School President with a question? Email:

For all your Society queries:

All things

Anything sports related:

Burnley and Westlakes campus queries:


Get in touch with your Elected Officers


Students’ Union President:

VP Activities:

VP Education:

VP Welfare:

How do I make a complaint to the Students' Union?

Sometimes things go wrong, mistakes happen, or we make errors. We aim to learn from complaints to improve our services and procedures.

Members of the Students' Union can complain about any activity that contravenes our Articles, Bye-Laws or policies and procedures.

To submit your complaint please fill out the online form available here. Your feedback is invaluable in our continuous efforts to improve the services that we offer to our members. We aim to respond to all complaints within 5 working days.

Find us on Social Media


If you’re not sure who to contact, our social media team can point you in the right direction! Drop us a DM on:

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