Singing Society

About us

Welcome to the UCLan Singing Society! A place where off-key notes, contagious laughter, and sheer enthusiasm are the ingredients for a rocking time! Leave your worries at the door and immerse yourself in the joyful chaos of this lighthearted gathering: a delightful escape from the pressures of exams and lectures.

Forget about grades and deadlines as the focus shifts to discovering the untapped vocal potential within each member. No judgment, no critiques—just pure enjoyment and a safe space to explore the depths of your vocal expression.

Far from seeking polished performances, the UCLan Singing Society celebrates the charm of the unconventional. It's a place where pitchy voices find solidarity and offbeat interpretations of beloved classics are met with loud applause. Solos are met with cheers, regardless of their tunefulness, as the emphasis lies firmly on the courage and spirit of those who dare to step into the spotlight.

Amidst the infectious laughter and playful banter, this society forges bonds that reach far beyond the walls of their impromptu rehearsal spaces. They become a tight-knit group of friends, supporting each other through life's ups and downs, and celebrating every off-key triumph as if it were a chart-topping hit.


We will be meeting each week for a few hours, drop-ins are more than welcome! Email if you have any questions!




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