RPG & Tabletop Gaming

About us

Welcome, all to the RPG and Tabletop Society!
Come and play your favourite RPG's like D&D, card games like Magic the Gathering or any type of board game, such as Monopoly or Betrayal at House on the Hill. There will be many opportunities to meet others with the same interests as you! We are so excited for the future of this society.

We welcome new and old members, and those just interested! You don't need ANY experience at all, as we will gladly help you along!

Events and Plans
This year we are bringing things back to life! We plan on hosting monthly events. We will be supporting local businesses and game shops, working with the community to expand! There will be opportunities to try new games, with different types of events introducing you to anything and everything there is to offer.

Discord Access

For those who are new to Discord you can view an introduction pack here (https://www.wikihow.com/Get-Started-with-Discord).

To join the server, join here.

To access the server, fill out this form.

Once you have joined the server, an admin can check and verify your membership.


Why do we need to track and store your personal information for Discord Access?
Due to GDPR we require explicit consent to be able to track the information in order to keep society members safe. You have the right to have your information removed from the records at any time by emailing us (uclanrpgtabletop@gmail.com). However, you will also be removed from the server. Discord Access is not mandatory to be a member, though you will be missing out on most of our communication, events planning, and general chatter!

Committee Members

Vice Chair



Session Signups

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Money Request