Grief Warriors Society

About us
Whether you are grieving or know someone who is.
Online meetings: 1-2 times a month.
Confidential and free

Welcome to this safe space because we know grief is a never ending journey.

Disclaimer: The president and other chair members are not therapists and have no professional qualification to act as such. Individuals in want or need of help will be referred accordingly.

N.B. This isn’t a club for sad people. Please don’t view it as depressing, this is a support group for people that share a life experience or those who want to learn better ways to show support. 


Talk about grief but not only. About life since it happened and student life in general. Write as well, draw, just any form of expression (singing is one too)
Share food – sometimes- because it brings happiness to a lot of us.
Discussion/ debates about books, social media articles.

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