Your Big Ideas

Your Big Ideas



Do you have an Idea about how to make the Students’ Union, University or the wider community better for students?

Your Big Ideas are a great way to make meaningful change on campus. Submit your Idea online and share with your friends and course mates. If your Big Idea achieves 50 or more votes in favour after 28 days, it will be taken forward; either to an appropriate meeting such as Students’ Council or by meeting with the appropriate person(s) to help make your idea a reality. If a Big Idea gets approval at Students’ Council, it will become Students’ Union policy and we will work with you on making it happen!

To submit an Idea or vote on any of the current Big Ideas below, you must be logged in using your UCLan student login. Once logged in, the option to submit will appear and to vote, just click the thumbs up or down button - depending on your opinion! 

Previous Big Ideas-turned reality have included free period provisions on campus, an extension to the academic calendar and free disability screening.

Anyone can submit a Big Idea. It’s an easy way to change the lives of students!

Big Ideas Top Tips

  1. Identify the issue you want to solve.
  2. Do your research and talk to others. Staff and Elected Officers can help you prepare to launch or promote your Big Idea.
  3. Plan what you think should be done to solve the issue and decide how you'll know when it’s fixed.
  4. Submit a Big Idea! Go change Students’ lives.


Need some help submitting Your Big Idea? Follow the steps on our how-to video here

Click here to view all  current policies passed by Students' Council 2023 / 2024

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  • 103 score
    107 Voters

    Keep Exams Open Book!

      To whom it may concern, We are writing to express our concerns regarding the new decision of the University deciding to use closed book exams in the summative assessments. The objective of our petition is for the university to consider continuing exams open book. Living in a global pandemic has dramatically changed our lives; even though we all have been trying to adapt ourselves to this unexpected way of living for months now, the pressure it has had on us all cannot be ignored. The crux of the matter is, we are now used to preparing for our exams by studying to be able to know how to take help from lectures notes. Open book mainly adds to our confidence level, and at some levels makes up for the lack face-to-face learning experience that we have missed. At this level when we are dealing with higher levels of pressure and workload than ever before, it is not fair to take this support back from the students by changing this process to invigilated exams. A lot of the students in our course are back to their hometown or country, and do not have access to University computers and internet, if they have any technical or systematic issues related to their own computer or if they are experiencing internet connection issues out of their control, they will experience way more struggle and anxiety during the exam- Especially due to the fact that invigilated exams and video calls require stronger Internet connections. Furthermore, the majority of foundation students who did experience invigilated exams agreed that not only was it a complete invasion of privacy, but that having someone watching them doing the exam was quite distracting and kept them from having their full concentration on the exam. Considering the sacrifices students are going through financially, mentally and educationally; we would wholly prefer that our subsequent exams will remain open book, and we sincerely ask the university to not take away the phenomenal levels of support we have already been given. Thank You Medical Sciences Written by: Roodabeh Moazemi-goudarzi
    Alisa Castravet
    11:46am on 25 Mar 21 I totally agree especially when I am an international student and don’t have an access to a computer and do my exam on my old android phone. The system for proctored exam is to heavy for my phone, and my camera is cracked so please don’t put me at a disadvantage with other students!


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