Candidate for the position of EMpulse Society - Chair

Image for Kershaun Mathew

Kershaun Mathew


My name is Kershaun Mathew and I am running for Chair of the EMPulse Society. I have had several experiences within this field in the past, working in triage for the Hong Kong Matilda Hospital, and undertaking a two-week observership in gynaecologic anaesthetic procedures in India. These experiences further fuelled my interest in the field of Emergency Medicine, and drived me to apply for this position.

As part of the committee last year, I co-ordinated the creation of EIPOM module mock exams for Year 1 MBBS students, and was heavily involved in the co-ordination of the Emergency Medicine conference.  With this experience, I hope to improve the reach of this society to not only medical students, but all healthcare students in general.

If elected, I hope to:

1. Create practice EIPOM module mock papers for MBBS students in pre-clinical years.

2. Host regular teaching sessions regarding different topics relating to Emergency Medicine.

3. Host a conference for students to learn and experience the most common procedures conducted in the field of Emergency Medicine. 

Thank you so much for reading, and please vote for me. 

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