Candidate for the position of Trauma and Orthopaedic society - Vice Chair

Image for Ryan Chang

Ryan Chang


I'm Ryan. In addition to helping the Chair with managerial tasks, here are my plans if elected as Vice Chair:

  • 'Orthomonth' - A series of weekly virtual lectures that aims to better prepare students leading up to our ELITE trauma course.
  • 'Subspecialty Series' - Sharing the different career pathways of each orthopaedic subspecialty. This will be done in two ways:
    1. Small lectures scattered throughout the year featuring surgeons from different subspecialties.
    2. Instagram 'Spotlights/Profiles' highlighting key information regarding each subspecialty and answers about their careers.
  • 'Global Series' - Lectures from different orthopaedic surgeons around the world to discuss their experiences in their countries. From my experiences and connections, I will be focusing on Toronto and Vancouver, Canada, and South Africa.
  • Membership Benefits - Paid members will be given new benefits over non-members. These may include:
    • Priority registration for events
    • Provide direct feedback to the committee + help select lecture topics/events
    • Discounts

Below are relevant qualifications/experiences that provided skills to help ensure my plans succeed.

  • Current Treasurer for the T/O Society - Completed managerial tasks, helped facilitate this year's ELITE trauma course, and organised the lower limb lecture.
  • Current Chair for the Roundnet Society - Managed and/or organised all events, advertising, fundraising, meetings, and socials.
  • Orthopaedics observership - Completed at Sunnybrook Hospital (Canada's largest trauma centre) and the Holland Orthopaedic & Arthritic Centre (specialised arthroplasty hospital).
  • Actively involved in research - With doctors and medical students from the University of Toronto.

Feel free to contact me at any time if you have any questions:

Thank you for considering my application :)

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