Candidate for the position of K-Pop Dance Society - Social Secretary

Image for Alex Milan Coleman

Alex Milan Coleman

Hi! I'm Alex, a first year Spanish & Korean student and would love to be the K-pop Dance Society's social secretary. Joining this society this year was a really great opportunity for me to dance to my favourite songs and has been an amazing opportunity for me to meet new people, form new friendships, and create wonderful memories. I feel as though I’m suited to the role of social secretary because I believe I have good organisational, time management and teamwork skills and am good at prioritising tasks all of which I have gained through various volunteering roles in the past.

By voting for me to be the social sec means I'll be putting together loads of socials and events such as game nights, karaoke nights, rpd's, and many more! My first year with the K-pop Dance Society has been full of fun and I hope as social secretary I can create an even better experience for others!

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