Candidate for the position of K-Pop Dance Society - Chair

Ynes Kindji

I have loved working in the committee over the past year and would love the use the opportunity to become chair to continue to make positive contributions to the society.

My main goal as chair would be to provide leadership and direction to the society and create a space where everyone feels involved in what the society has to offer and create a sense of community amongst society members. One way I would like to achieve this is by introducing more social events this year to give society members more opportunities to get to know each other outside of classes.
My background in media & tv production and experience in a kpop cover group means I have taken an active role in organising the filming and production of cover videos and would love to utilise these skills as chair to ensure there are plenty of cover filming opportunities for our members. I have also taken a prominent role in organising the showcase and as chair would love to continue to oversee this and ensure the smooth running of the show.


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